A team from Waaree Energies led by their CEO Dr. Amit Paithankar visited IIT Bombay on December 12 to sign MOU to support the perovskite-silicon tandem solar cell technology developed by the NCPRE team. The MOU was signed by IITB’s Dean (ACR) Prof. Ravi Gudi and Dr Amit Paithankar. The support provided by the Waaree group will help in getting the state-of-the-art equipment for enhancing the laboratory capabilities for characterizing perovskite-silicon tandem solar cells developed by Prof. Dinesh Kabra along with the NCPRE team. This relationship will set up an excellent example for academia-industry relationship for developing strategically important solar cell technologies which are expected to be disruptive in the energy sector. This significant landmark was also reported in the international PV Magazine, More details
MOU between Waaree Energies and IIT Bombay was signed by Dean Ravi Gudi and CEO Amit Paithankar (5th and 6th from left). Also present at the MOU signing event were (from left) NCPRE faculty Anil Kottantharayil, Surya Doolla and Dinesh Kabra, as well as IITB’s Deputy Director Prof. Milind Atrey.