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Archives (Highlights)

  • Perspectives on PV manufacturing from metallurgical grade silicon to modules and systems in India

    Seminar organised by the Photovoltaic Technology and Innovation Centre (POTIC) on June 9, 2023. Speaker: Dr. Puneet Gupta, Chief Technology Officer and Joint President, Adani Solar Dr. Puneet Gupta has more than 20 years of experience in the silicon semiconductor and solar sector in various leadership roles, before joining Adani Solar. He is an alumnus of IIT Bombay.

  • We focus to see the best possible of Nano World.

    National Centre for Photovoltaic Research and Education (NCPRE), IIT Bombay, has entered the Worldwide Zeiss Microscopy Image Contest 2021. With the ZEISS Microscopy Image Contest 2021, ZEISS celebrates its 175th anniversary year by honoring the work of scholars who use microscopy in a variety of sectors. More than 1,300 fascinating entries were submitted by ZEISS customers from more than 50 countries. NCPRE, IIT Bombay received 4th place in honorable mentions in this contest.

  • Re-energizing Sustainable Solar Manufacturing in India: Technology Roadmap and Recommendations.

    A White Paper presented to MNRE by National Centre for Photovoltaic Research and Education (NCPRE), IIT Bombay & Catalyst for Accelerating Sustainable Energy for Bharat (CASE-Bharat)

  • Scientists at IIT Bombay have unveiled the origin of ferroelectricity in lead-free hybrid perovskites

    ACS Publications - Dr. Dinesh Kabra and his students Richa Pandey and SB Gangadhar are working on this at IIT Bombay.
    Microscopic Origin of Piezoelectricity in Lead-Free Halide Perovskite: Application in Nanogenerator Design
    Publication Date: March 29, 2019
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    NCPRE Students Win Prestigious International Postdoctoral Fellowships
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    Flag off on March 7th, 2018 for the joint NISE-NCPRE "All India Survey of PV Module Reliability 2018" Project.
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    Maharashtra Times Marathi News - Solar Energy will Supply Mumbai Electricity Demand.
    Half of Mumbai's electricity demand will be met by solar energy
    Publication Date: Apr 10, 2017
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    ABP Majha Marathi News - NCPRE visit by Rajeev Kapoor.
    Publication Date: Apr 10, 2017
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    Zee News Marathi - Estimating Solar Rooftop Potential.
    Publication Date: Apr 10, 2017
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    The Hindu - Mumbai has 1.7GW solar energy potential: IIT study.
    ‘Falling price of solar energy technology makes it viable’
    Publication Date: April 11, 2017
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    Hindustan Times - Solar energy can take care of half of Mumbai’s power needs, finds study.
    Publication Date: May 08, 2017
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    The Times Of India - Solar energy can help city generate 50% of total use.
    Publication Date: Apr 11, 2017
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    The Indian Express - Mumbai has potential to generate 1,724 MW solar power, says IIT Bombay Report.
    Publication Date: Apr 11, 2017
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    DNA India - Solar energy can give city half of its power: Study.
    Publication Date: Apr 11, 2017
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  • Awards & Honors

    NCPRE receives 1st Place for Poster at NREL Workshop on PV Module Reliability, March 2017

    Industry Academia Meet January 13th 2017

    Date: 13-01-2017

Archives (Upcoming Courses and Events)

  • Talk on "Sustainable technologies for net zero transition: A case of solar photovoltaics", by Dr. Amruta Joshi

    Date and time: 24th November 2023, 2:30 PM
    Venue Nanoelectronics conference room, EE annexe More details